
Personal Social and Emotional Development

Talk to children about why dairy foods are good for our diets and help us to grow up healthily.

Understanding the World

Talk to children about dairy. What it is, where it comes from and what we can do with it. Talk about taking care of farm animals. Create a ‘wash station’ for them where children can help to clean up the animals.


Look at books relevant to dairy. Fictional and nonfiction.


Create a class graph to find out our favourite flavours of milk, Strawberry, chocolate or plain. Bake cheese straws. Encourage children to help measure the ingredients and take turns mixing and adding ingredients.

Expressive Art and Design

Cow/Dairy cut and stick sheet. Milking the cow art activity.

Communication and Language

Sing the nursery song ‘Old Macdonald had a farm’

Physical Development

Practice our gross motor skills by ‘milking’ a ‘cow’

Focused Vocabulary

Cow, Bull, Milk, Cheese, Butter, Dairy, Dairy free, Ice-cream, Bones, Teeth


Foods around the world


Fruit and Vegetables