Personal Social and Emotional
Create a chart and hold a vote to record everyone’s favourite farmyard animal. Discuss the results. Which was the most popular choice? Talk about how everyone has different opinions and being able to make their own choices.
Communication and Language
Sing ‘Old Macdonald had a farm’. Read “Farmer Duck” and “Pig in the Pond”. Ask Children to join in with the refrain of “How goes the work” in Farmer Duck.
Provide a range of fiction and non-fiction books relating to farms.
Count the farm animals. Group the animals and take some away, which group is bigger/smaller?
Understanding the World
Investigate and look at different animal coverings IE: feathers, hair, skin, wool.
Physical Development
Move like animals. IE: skip and jump like lambs. Flap arms and waddle like ducks, Gallop like a horse etc.
- Hide root vegetables in a mud tuff tray filled with soil and encourage children to dig them out using spades/spoons etc
Expressive Art and Design
Make a farm collage
- Weave with wool
- Display farm animal pictures in the art area and encourage the children to create their own.
- Dip some toy tractor wheels into paint and create track/tyre marks on paper
Focused Vocabulary
Farm, Tractor, Pigs, Cow, Wellies, Field, Fence, Crops, Vegetables, Horse, Chickens, Corn, Mud, Ducks, Geese, Farmer, Barn.