Hey Diddle Diddle

Personal Social and Emotional

Talk to the children about the rhyme, highlighting the part about the little dog laughing. Ask the children what makes them laugh? When you laugh are you happy or sad?

Communication and Language

Ask questions on the sounds the animals make and see if they can imitate them. Ask them if they have seen these animals in real life for example at the zoo or on a farm.

Physical Development

Sensory tuff tray using white paint and black paper to make cow handprint pictures. Let the children create their own cows by showing them a picture of a cow. Outside activities including jumping over obstacles like the cow and running around like the dish and the spoon.


Learn the rhyme ‘Hey Diddle Diddle’ to recite as a group. Encourage children to join in with the words and some simple actions using props. M: How many legs does a cat, cow, and dog have? What shape is the moon and the plate? Using pictures ask the children to position the animals under and over the moon.

Understanding The World

Talk about where cows live? Where do we see the moon?

Expressive Art and Design

Listen to Vivaldi’s four seasons and let the children move freely to the music. Using puppets, re-enact the rhyme as a puppet show. Paper plate cow jumping over the moon using split pins.

Focused Vocabulary

Cow, cat, moon, jump, run, dish, spoon, fiddle, laughed, fun


Baa Baa Black Sheep


The Wheels on the Bus