Personal Social and Emotional
Play games at circle time. Take turns going round the children asking them how old they are and to clap out the total of their age. Encourage the children together, to count the total of the children in the group.
Communication Language and Literacy
Read stories with numbers in them, such as Goldilocks and the 3 Bears. Sing rhymes and songs such as One, two, three, four, five, or Five Currant Buns.
Physical Development
Encourage the children to count, jumps, skips, and hop, as they do these movements.
During play encourage the children to count objects into groups, such as how many red cars and how many blue cars. Sort coloured buttons and or pom poms into pots. Encourage the children to count the totals.
Understanding the World
What numbers can you see in the environment? Have a tick sheet marked 1 to 10 and ask the children to tick the numbers off if they see them.
Expressive Art and Design
Block print the number block characters. 1 to 5. Make a number worm.
Collage numbers 1 to 5. Sing number rhymes, songs such as, ‘Five Little Ducks’, ‘Ten in the Bed@
Focused Vocabulary
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten … One hundred, Count, numbers