Personal Social and Emotional
Taking turns, provide mirrors so that the children can explore their own faces and hair. Can they talk about what colour their hair or eyes are? Can they describe their face and name features on it?
Communication and Language
Play a game outside, saying to the children: “I spy with my little eye…” Name an item you can see, such as a green leaf. Encourage the children to say and point to what they can see.
Physical Development
Throwing activities can help to improve a child’s hand-eye coordination, motor skills and timing. Throw small and big balls to each other. Throw different coloured bean bags into matching-coloured hoops. Ask the children to look for the red/blue/yellow hoop then run and jump into the correct coloured hoop, when you call out the colour name.
Read the story ‘Night Monkey Day Monkey’, by Julia Donaldson. The story looks at how the Monkeys in their opposite lives of day and night see things differently. Read the story, ‘Moles Spectacles’, by Julia Donaldson, through the telling of the story encourage the children to help Mole find his glasses/spectacles. Ask them where they think he might find them?
Ask the children to look for things that are bigger/smaller than themselves? What did they find that was big and small? Give the children magnifying glasses, ask them are things bigger or smaller when they look through them?
Understanding of the World
Going on a nature walk is a great way to develop observation skills and appreciation for the natural world. Give the children a list of natural objects to find (e.g. a leaf, a rock, a flower). Encourage them to spot and collect each item with their keen sense of sight.
Expressive Art and Design
What happens when you mix primary colours together? Set up three bowls of coloured paint – one with red, one with blue, and one with yellow paint. Support the children with mixing the colours. What colours can they see?
Focused Vocabulary
Sight, eyes, look, see, dark, light, observe,