
Personal Social and Emotional

Circle time activity – pass a small soft toy around the circle. When the child is holding the toy, it is their turn to speak. Encourage the children to share their favourite summer activity with the rest of the group, e.g., going to the seaside, going on holiday, eating ice cream, or playing in a paddling pool.                    

Communication and Language

Use this Seaside Can You Find…? Poster to introduce new vocabulary. Encourage children to talk about what they can see on the poster and where the items are located.

Play a listening game. Choose a child to close their eyes while the rest of the group hide a toy Bee around the setting. The group then give audible clues to the seeker to find the hidden Bee. When the seeker is near the toy, the group make loud, ‘buzz, buzz’ sounds. When seeker is far away, the group make quiet, ‘buzz, buzz’ sounds until the toy is located.                                                                       

Physical Development

Provide shallow trays of sand along with simple tools for children to explore mark making. Talk about the patterns on these too.                                                                                              


Play a summer-themed rhyming game. Challenge children to identify words that rhyme with sun, hat, Bee and hot.                                                                             


Build sandcastles - Count them. Talk about the sizes - ‘Big’ or ‘Small’.  

Understanding the World

Go for walks and ask the children to tick off things they see on the summer check list.  

Expressive Art & Design                                            

Gluing and sticking ice creams, ice lollies, handprint crabs, design a bucket and spade.      

Focused Vocabulary

Summer, Sunny, Beach, Seaside, Sandcastle, Sun hat, Ice cream, Butterfly 


Where We Live


Letters and Sounds