
Personal Social and Emotional

Talk to the children about their special talents and skills. Record the children’s thoughts and ideas using an Autumn Wow Tree Display.                                                                                                                                                                

Communication and Language

Read the story ‘Little Acorn.’ Ask the children to recall what happened in the book. What happens to the Little Acorn and what did it grow in to?   Play a loud and quiet game using this book. Ask the children to say a quiet “Hello” when they see the acorn and a loud “Hello”, when they see the oak tree.

Physical Development

Encourage all children to help with digging and planting the tree for Bright Start.    Draw around the children’s hands, to be used on the Wow tree.                                                                                                    


Provide the children with this Little Acorns: Life Cycle of an Oak Tree Booklet. Children can write some of the letters from their name on the front of the booklet and colour the pictures inside. Can they talk about the acorn life cycle as they colour the pictures?


Go collect leaves from outside. Make a collage putting the leaves in size order.     Encourage the children to count the leaves. How many did they collect?       

Understanding the World

Go for walks and look at the different trees. Look at the leaves. Do the trees still have leaves? Are they green in colour? If not what colour are the leaves?  

Expressive Art and Design

Play a musical game using the story of the ‘Little Acorn.’ Ask the children to select any instrument from the centre of the circle. Give the children a short time to explore the sounds that their instrument can make. Show the children the picture of the tiny acorn. Tell the children that when we see the tiny acorn picture, we are going to play a very quiet sound. Can the children play a very quiet sound on their instrument? Discuss how a quiet sound is made by being very gentle when we are shaking, tapping, scraping, etc. Repeat the process by showing the picture of the big oak tree, this time play a loud sound. Demonstrate this to the children.     Create a tree by painting.   Make the 2021 seasonal tree calendar        

 Focused Vocabulary

Tree, Leaf, Leaves, Seeds, Small, Big, Dig, Plant, Grow, Acorn, Oak Tree




Taking Care of Animals in the Winter