Letters and Sounds
Personal Social and Emotional
Our names. Change the initial sounds of our names in a circle game. Become familiar with our surnames and recognise some capital letters and their initial sounds.
Communication language and Literacy
Name Writing. With our name cards we will practise writing our names with the dry wipe pens. Make labels with our names to stick on our artwork. Share an alphabet book and discuss sounds.
Mathematical Development
Find the longest and shortest names in the group. Count the letters in our names. Find the most popular initial sound in our group and record on a block chart.
Physical Development
Write our names in sand. Make playdough letters. Practise “magic pencil” forming letters s a t i p n. Learn physical actions for s a t i p n.
Understanding the World
Walk around the school site looking for signs. Look at number plates in school carpark. Find the initial sound of our name and record on clipboard.
Expressive Art and Design
Sponge print letters to make a large class alphabet line. Learn ABC song. Sing it while pointing to the letter on our alphabet line. Finger paint our names.
Focused Vocabulary
s a t i p n
sand animals teapot insects pasta nest
sun ants toast inside popcorn nettles
socks ambulance toes iguana pattern nine